October 2007 Dyno Day Results

Michelin Tyre’s for Older Volvo’s

15/05/2014 Comments (0) Articles

Guidelines for the Club Permit Scheme

The revised Club Permit Scheme allowing unregistered Club vehicles to be driven on non-gazetted Club events has been running for a while now. The Log Book and 45 or 90 days allows more flexibility but is not intended to replace full Registration. There are responsibilities and obligations to Vic Roads by the Volvo Club of Victoria as well as the Permit holder. The AOMC Handbook contains all the relevant information and Frequently Asked Questions. These books are available through the Club not Vic Roads at a cost of $6.00 posted or can be purchased at a Club meeting from the Secretary. All cars on the CPS should have one in the glove box as a reference guide.

With this in mind the Committee of the Volvo Club of Victoria is incorporating some guidelines for the CPS.

The Guidelines:

1. The Committee has the discretion to accept both new members and cars on the CPS.

2. A person wanting to put a car on the Club Permit Scheme [CPS] must first be a financial Club member and attend a meeting to have the paper work signed by one of the 4 authorised Committee members as listed in the magazine. The onus is on the club member to contact an authorised club signatory and make arrangements to have the documentation verified and signed (this includes verification that they are a financial club member).

3. The Volvo Club of Vic complies with the inspection guidelines.
• Any member wishing to have their car on the club permit scheme must provide a RWC or
• present their car to one of the club safety officers for a safety inspection
• The club safety officers have the discretion (based on their professional decision) on providing a safety inspection certificate or requiring a RWC.
• Vic Roads will accept either a Club Safety Certificate or RWC.

4. As in #2 annual renewals must also be presented at a meeting/event for signature and not mailed in.

5. It is in the member’s interest and responsibility to maintain his/her Club membership whilst having a vehicle on the CPS otherwise we are obligated to notify VicRoads that the vehicle is no longer covered by the scheme.

6. Remember, it is the permit holder’s responsibility to ensure his/her renewal has arrived from Vic Roads as driving an unregistered vehicle attracts a hefty fine.

7. Victorian CPS vehicles are not recognized in Western Australia so a separate W.A. unregistered permit is required if taking a vehicle to that state.

These simple guidelines will help the Club fulfil its obligations to Vic Roads and ensure the members on the scheme are abiding by the spirit of the CPS as well as being a member of The Volvo Club of Victoria.

Lance Phillips
Volvo Club of Victoria

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Volvo Club of Victoria