Genuine Volvo Wingbar components for Volvo V60 wagons with flush rails built between 2010 – 2018

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Contact Anthony
$ 125
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These Volvo-branded components are from genuine Volvo “Load Carrier – Wing Profile for Rails” kit, Volvo part number 31664414.

You may purchase Volvo part number 31664414 for $519.83 - see

Or you may purchase equivalent Thule-branded components from Thule retailers.

The Thule components you would need to create the equivalent of Volvo part number 31664414 are:
(1) Thule roof rack fitting kit 186006 – $116.95;
(2) Thule Evo flush rail leg pack 710600 –$249.95; and
(3) Thule Wingbar Evo 2 pack 711300 - $224.

Or you may buy these little-used genuine Volvo components for $125 (negotiable) and buy a new pair of Thule Wingbars -in your choice of colour (silver or black).

You would then have a new set of Thule / Volvo Wingbars and have saved $175

They can be seen, paid for and collected in Camberwell, 3124.

(PS - I am willing to post them to a destination within Australia in an Australia Post prepaid satchel at the buyer’s risk and expense (adding $19.35 to the price) following receipt of payment in full).

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Volvo Club of Victoria